T.A.A Compliant Countries List
The list below has been pulled from the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and was last updated November 2016 with the addition of Moldova and Ukraine and is current as of June 2017. To directly access this clause of the FAR, please click here: Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.225-5, Trade Agreements.
Afghanistan | Finland | New Zealand |
Angola | France | Nicaragua |
Antigua & Barbuda | Gambia | Niger |
Armenia | Germany | Norway |
Aruba | Greece | Oman |
Australia | Grenada | Panama |
Austria | Guatemala | Peru |
Bahamas | Guinea | Poland |
Bahrain | Guinea-Bissau | Portugal |
Bangladesh | Guyana | Romania |
Barbados | Haiti | Rwanda |
Belgium | Honduras | Saba |
Belize | Hong Kong | Samoa |
Benin | Hungary | Sao Tome & Principe |
Bhutan | Iceland | Senegal |
Bonaire | Ireland | Sierra Leone |
British Virgin Islands | Israel | Singapore |
Bulgaria | Italy | Sint Eustatius |
Burkina Faso | Jamaica | Sint Maarten |
Burundi | Japan | Slovak Republic |
Cambodia | Kiribati | Slovenia |
Canada | Korea (Republic of) | Solomon Islands |
Central African Republic | Laos | Somalia |
Chad | Latvia | South Sudan |
Chile | Lesotho | Spain |
Colombia | Liberia | St. Kitts & Nevis |
Comoros | Liechtenstein | St. Lucia |
Costa Rica | Lithuania | St. Vincent & the Grenadines |
Croatia | Luxembourg | Sweden |
Curacao | Madagascar | Switzerland |
Cyprus | Malawi | Taiwan |
Czech Republic | Mali | Tanzania |
Democratic Republic of Congo | Malta | Timor-Leste |
Denmark | Mauritania | Togo |
Djibouti | Mexico | Trinidad & Tobago |
Dominica | Moldova | Tuvalu |
Dominican Republic | Montenegro | Uganda |
El Salvador | Montserrat | Ukraine |
Equatorial Guinea | Morocco | United Kingdom |
Eritrea | Mozambique | Vanuatu |
Estonia | Nepal | Yemen |
Ethiopia | Netherlands | Zambia |